Events Calendar

American Motorcycle Championshop

Date: August 5, 2017 - August 6, 2017
Event Description The AMA (American Motorcycle Association) is holding the AMA Hillclimb Grand Championship in Red Wing on August 5 & 6, 2017. According to the organizers, this is a national event and will draw about 500 riders and thousands of spectators. The local club sponsor is the Red Wing Indian Head Motorcycle Club which has been in Red Wing since 1949. Location of the event is the hills behind the Red Wing Athletic Field, by the hockey rinks.
4PM-5PM Saturday, August 5: Verticross National Championship
4PM-5PM Sunday, August 6: King of the Hill National Championship

Event Location Location of the event is the hills behind the Red Wing Athletic Field, by the hockey rinks
Date/Time Information August 5 & 6
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